Ligue de l'Enseignement Nouvelle Aquitaine (LENA)
Ligue de l’Enseignement is a movement of more than 150 years. It aims to guarantee access to education for everyone and
further promotes a secular society, solidarity among citizens and active citizenship. Laîcité (humanism or secularism). The
movement defends a republican idea, based on equality of rights; facing transformation of French society into a multicultural
Ligue de l’Enseignement Nouvelle Aquitaine – LENA - (regional union of 12 federations) was created in 2017 after the fusion
between the regions Aquitaine, Poitou-Charentes and Limousin (policy in France) and is affiliated/member to Ligue de
l’Enseignement (national) and shares the same aims:
- Training responsible citizens
- Fighting against all inequalities
- building a fairer and more independent society
LENA is involved in the many fields of permanent education that allow democratic progress and the full exercise of
citizenship : cultural action, audiovisual, communication, outdoor activities and sports, holidays and tourism, social leisure,
educational action in schools and families, economic information, scientific and digital activities, vocational training,
European and international action, the environment.